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Yoga For Digestive Disorder

Yoga For Digestive Disorder

The digestive disorder is a very common problem with people these days. The main reason for this problem is the current lifestyle of people. The problem gets aggravated with big meals, rich food or any other thing. Although all of the yogic postures are meant for better health conditions, there are mainly eight different poses for improving digestion. These yogic postures provide reliefs with all types of digestive disorders. The basic poses comprise of stretching and deep breathing targeting the abdominal organs including twists that massage and wring out the stuck intestinal toxins. This practice relieves the large variety of digestive discomforts like constipation, bloating and gas. Above all more energy comes with better digestion.


Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow)

Kneeling down you should keep your knees beneath your hips and bringing your hands beneath your shoulders. You should inhale while dropping your belly button towards the earth and lifting your hips and heart towards the sky into Bitilasana pose. Spread across your sitting bones and shoulders. You should exhale while rounding the upper back towards the sky and drop your gaze to your navel, press your hands and feet into the earth in Marjaryasana pose. It should be continued for about 10 rounds.


In these poses breathing deeply results in massaging your organs as the intestine is stretched and compressed alternatively.

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Asana)

You should get into Plank Pose to set up the hands and the feet. The hands must be placed shoulder distance apart while the feet should be placed outer hip-distance apart. Using your core press the hips back and up. The knees should be bent slightly to broaden the back and to lengthen the spine while the shoulders should be spread wide. Deep breathe should be taken in the belly pulling the navel up and in towards the back of the heart each time you exhale to nourish the intestine.

Triconasana (Triangle Pose)

Take one step forward with your right foot in a low lunge and straighten the right leg. Move your left foot forward by about 6 inches and turn it by 45-60 degree angle to the front of the mat keeping the heel flat on the earth. Then rest your right hand lightly to the right shin or the floor and reach your left hand to the sky, palm facing outward. The crown of your head should be stretched forward as you reach your tailbone towards your left heel.


Utthita Trikonasana should be held for about 1 minute before moving to the Pavrtta Trikonasana before switching side.

Parivrtta Triconasana (Revolved Triangle Pose)

Releasing the left hand to the earth you should level the left hip in line with the right hip by lowering the left hip down. Keeping the legs firmly in place you should lift your right arm, palm facing away from the body.

Parivrtta Trikonasana

By compression and subsequent release of the colon in this pose, the accumulated toxins trapped in the body is stimulated by the movement. However, people with inflammatory bowel disease are advised to proceed with caution in this pose as it may cause harmful wringing of organs.

Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose)

You should get down on your hands and knees like moving into a cat-cow pose. Keeping your hips vertical to your knees move your hands forward onto the floor mat in order to release your head on the mat/floor and allow the gravity to open your heart.

Uttana Shishosana

This Uttana Shishosana posture is useful especially for stretching your belly to relieve the cramps after a large meal.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a great posture for backbend to compress the digestive organs and simultaneously deliver fresh blood to the heart and release any fatigue which may be the result of poor digestion.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

To get to this posture lie down on the floor while your feet should be placed flat on the floor and very close to your hip bones. After exhaling stretch your knees forward while keeping your arms and inner feet firmly to the floor. You should take 10 deep breaths and slowly roll your spine down on the floor to release.

Ardha Pawanmuktasana (Half Gas Release Pose)

The name itself suggests the healing benefits of this posture. This posture stimulates the nerves to aid the elimination of toxic elements from the body by compressing the ascending colon on the right side and descending the colon on the left. First, the right knee should be hugged to the right side of the ribcage keeping the straight left leg pressed to the earth when you clasp your hands around your right shin to pull it closure to the floor holding it for 1-2 minutes. Then it should be repeated on the other side.

Ardha Pawanmuktasana

Supta Matsyendrasana (Supine Twist)

From the position of Ardha Pawanmuktasana, you should release your right knee to the left and stretch your right arm out straight to the right. For a much deeper stretching the left hand should be used to gently push your right knee closer to the earth. Enjoy in this deep releasing twist as long as you may feel comfortable and good.

Supta Matsyendrasana

Savasana (Corps Pose)

First, both the knees should be brought back to the chest in order to neutralize the spine. This compression would be able to aid elimination by stimulating the transverse colon. Then the legs should be allowed to straighten to the floor gently and the palms should be rested facing upwards and close to the hip-bone. Your breathing should be allowed to become normal (natural) while relaxing all your muscles.


It is the most essential part of the yoga practice as it calms the nervous system. Relaxation helps in releasing stress.

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