Yoga Poses for Thyroid Treatment and Prevention
Yoga for Thyroid Treatment
When the thyroid glands start malfunctioning, it becomes a medical condition, which can be removed with the help of some yogic exercises or postures. The problems in thyroid glands are mainly of two types. They are "hypothyroidism" which are caused by reduction of thyroid hormones and "hyperthyroidism" which is caused by excess of thyroid hormones. The usual symptoms of thyroid malfunction are low energy, fatigue, weight loss or weight gain, very fast or slow heart rate, unable to resist the cold, constipation, diarrhoea or dry skin depending on the condition of thyroid malfunction. There may be swelling in some part of the neck.
Yoga Poses for Thyroid Treatment and Prevention |
A great amount of issues related with thyroid may be resolved with the help of yoga and meditation. Stress in life may be a major factor in contribution to malfunctioning of thyroid glands. Ujjai Pranayama is very helpful in curbing thyroid deceases. Off course it is always recommended to consult a doctor before starting to practice yoga, so as to check the kind of thyroid which is causing your suffering. However the yoga asanas are helpful for both hyper and hypothyroid. These yoga asanas are not at all the alternative of medication, they are simply helping to cope with the system.The various compressing, twisting and stretching yoga asanas massage the thyroid glands and helps in releasing thyroxin which leads to helping in body metabolism. There are six asanas which help you to lead a better life. They are:
Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose)
It helps to control thyroxin and stimulate thyroid glands. The flow of blood is from legs to the head region during this particular inverted pose that results in helping to mitigate thyroid.
Sarvangasana Pose
Halasana (Plough Pose)
This yogic posture provides compression to the neck resulting in stimulating the thyroid and abdominal glands. It reduces the fatigue and stress and calms the brain. This posture is called "Halasana" as it resembles an Indian plough. This pose also helps in reducing blood pressure.
Halasana Pose
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)
This posture is called Matsyasana as the pose takes the form of a fish. As it stretches the neck it stimulates the thyroid glands. The gentle healing provided by this asana suits the need of a thyroid patient reducing the stiffness of joints and muscles and lowering the stress level. It is helpful in preventing the depression and mood swingand relaxes the body. This pose is also very helpful in case of back pain.
Matsyasana Pose
Yoga Poses for Thyroid Treatment and Prevention |
Should you be able successfully to perform Setubandhasana you would be able to stretch your neck to such an extent that activates the thyroid glands. It helps in improving the digestion system, reducing anxiety and calming the brain.
Setubandhasana Pose
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
There are too much stretching and compressing during this Bhujangasana pose which results in regulating the thyroid glands. This posture helps in strengthening the shoulders and entire back, improves the middle and upper back, tones the abdomen, reduces the fatigue and stress, expands the chest and improves the blood circulation.
Bhujangasana Pose
Shirshasana (Headstand Pose)
One f the best yogasana is Shirshasana. It is helpful in managing directly on the thyroid glands. It helps in balancing the metabolic function and brings alertness and wakefulness in the body
Shirshasana Post
Higher fibre contents, green vegetables, leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits, ginger, black walnuts, meat, fish, eggs, radish, oatmeal, curd, sprouts, wheat grass sea weeds, pumpkins and carrots should be taken on regular basis as it helps in improving the function of thyroid hormones.
Thyroid patients should avoid taking carbohydrates and fats.